

The International Service Organization of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous encourages contributions from members, groups and intergroups to fulfill its purpose of furthering the recovery of those who suffer from sexual compulsion.

SCA is self-supporting through its own contributions, and therefore we do not accept donations from anyone except SCA members, groups and intergroups. Members, groups and intergroups can make a donation to the SCA International Service Organization electronically by using and a credit card or by using Google Wallet and a U.S. bank account. You may also mail us a check drawn on a U.S. bank account. Please note that under the Sixth Tradition, SCA does not endorse or lend its name to PayPal or Google; we are using their services as a way to transfer money.

Making a donation is a way of honoring the SCA Seventh Tradition. Remember, there are NO dues or fees for SCA membership. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop having compulsive sex.

Donate Using Paypal or a Major Credit Card

IMPORTANT: If you are making a donation from outside the United States, please create a PayPal account first before you donate. Click here if you would like to have detailed instructions on making a donation through

After you have created a account, you can set up a recurring donation to SCA ISO via PayPal by clicking on the button below and following the instructions or choose a different amount or frequency by filling in the form accordingly.

We accept donations via Zelle.  If your bank participates in Zelle, you can use your online banking feature to forward funds directly to our SCA donations account using the email  Please understand that SCA does not use, distribute, or share any information regarding this transaction with any outside entity.  We respect your privacy and handle and treat all electronic information as extremely confidential.

If you do not want to use this service, please feel free to mail donations to the following address with a check payable to SCA/ISO in U.S. dollars only:

    SCA/ISO Treasurer
    P.O. Box 1585, Old Chelsea Station
    New York, NY  10011

We cannot accept checks, money orders or bank drafts issued from Canadian banks or indeed from any banks outside the United States. Please use PayPal instead. If you cannot use PayPal, please purchase a money order in U.S. dollars only. Thank you for your cooperation.