The SCAnner is the newsletter of the International Service Organization of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous.
The SCAnner is not ISO-approved (or “conference approved”) literature. Instead, it is a tool of communication, inside and outside the fellowship, by which volunteers share their experience, strength and hope in recovery from sexual compulsion.
From our literature store, you can order a copy of Best of the SCAnner, which features highlights from four consecutive issues of The SCAnner, Winter 1998 through Summer 2000, 88 pages, on these four themes: The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, The Tools That Help Us Get Better, and The Characteristics Most of Us Seem to Have in Common.
The SCAnner welcomes submissions on any topic or in any form, whether it be news, commentary, creative work, or what have you. It is also looking for people to post blog items directly. These can be individuals in recovery, or people representing groups or intergroups. Contact us if you are interested.
Please note that by submitting any material, you acknowledge that it becomes the property of the International Service Organization of SCA, which reserves the right to publish it in any anonymous form, whether in the SCAnner or any future SCA literature.