20 Questions to ask yourself to help determine if you are sexually compulsive and if this program is right for you.
Once we have admitted that we have a problem that is making our lives unmanageable, we can begin the process of recovery. The 12 Steps were originated by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a way of achieving the “spiritual experience” that those individuals believed was the key to lasting recovery from the disease of alcoholism. With the permission of AA, SCA has adapted the Twelve Steps for recovery from the disease of sexual compulsion. Read More>>
The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous realized early in the history of that fellowship that the only way recovery can be achieved is if members can tell their stories honestly and openly with other members, people who share the same disease. The willingness required for this level of honesty and openness comes from anonymity, or a lack of differentiation based on one’s life circumstances or social position, and for members to trust that the fellowship has only their best interests at heart. The Twelve Traditions were written as a way of ensuring that the recovery of members is the only business of an anonymous 12-step fellowship. Read More>>
The Gifts of Recovery is SCA’s updated version of The Promises. It describes the various signs of change and spiritual growth in recovery from working in the SCA program. It is a short piece, ideal for group reading in meetings. Read More>>
SCA members have found that most of us share certain characteristics. The characteristics are often read at the beginning on SCA meetings. These characteristics are used to help identify if one might be sexually compulsive. Read More>>
SCA has developed tools that help us to get started in recovery and remind us of “the basics” once our recovery has matured. The tools are meetings, the telephone, sponsorship, literature, the Twelve Steps, prayer and meditation, a sexual recovery plan, abstention (partial or total), socializing, dating, the slogans, service, and writing. Read More>>
Withdrawal. The word brought up hideous images: addicts curled up in a fetal position, writhing in agony, or crying out in pain. We feared withdrawal and desperately tried to avoid it. As the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” says: “We thought we could find an easier, softer way. But we could not.” The only way out of withdrawal, we found, is to go through it. Read More>>
A “slip” occurs when we engage in behaviors from which we had planned to abstain. A slip is the most painful thing that can happen to an SCA member, yet it is the most natural thing in the world for a sexual compulsive to seek instant gratification. Our disease is cunning, baffling, and insidious, and is always seeking out new ways to trick us into submission. Read More>>