ISO Conference

The International Service Organization (ISO) of SCA will hold its annual conference virtually.

Date: Friday, April 17 thru Sunday, April 19th 2020
Place: Remote Access via ZOOM Meeting


Remote access to the meeting is available by using ZOOM Meeting To attend the virtual meeting, (whether as an ISO Representative or guest) please join using the following link:

Zoom Meeting Link

We encourage all delegates to participate in the conference remotely, and we ask all who wish to attend to please let us know in advance by sending and email to

The conference is a 3-day business meeting, which will include reports from standing and ad-hoc committees, as well as from SCA intergroups and meetings worldwide.  Several pieces of literature are being considered for approval or comments.

The meeting will begin at approximately 7 pm Friday April 17th until 9:45 pm.  It will resume Saturday from 8:45 am to approximately 5 pm, and on Sunday from 8:45 am to approximately 1:30 pm, at which time the conference will conclude.  All voting on literature approval will take place during the Sunday session.

CONTACT: Fiduciary Chair, David N.  directly at  with any questions regarding installing or using StartMeeting.
CONTACT: ISO Chair, Gordon B.  directly at with general questions about the ISO Conference and the agenda.